Don't Sign Any Commitment
I have many experiences with various Internet Service Provider (ISP), and the main thing I have learned from that is Never Sign Any Commitment unless you are getting a really good deal and there is no doubt about having to pay hidden charges, etc.
America Online (AOL) used to be the largest ISP in the United States, but things have changed since then. AOL charges around $24/month, which is twice as much as other ISP charges. For instance, United Online (that is, NetZero and Juno) charges less than half of that price. $9.95/month. And if you sign up a commitment, they will give you a discount. Right now, they charge $6.95/month if you go for a full-year committment. This huge difference in price between the AOL and United Online has led the latter achieve more success in the recent years. Now, some people might wonder what's the differece between Juno and Netzero since both of them are run by United Online. Nothing. Just the name. Price is same. They do a lot of commercials for NetZero, and the commercials for the Juno is yet to be seen by me. NetZero do have a referral service; if you refer a friend to join NetZero, they will pay you $30.
Heard PeoplePc anywhere? PeoplePc is trying to get into a real competition by reducing its monthly charges from $10.95 to $9.95. Currently they are running ads on the net where they charge you $4.97/month for the first three months. They don't ask for any commitments either. So after those three months, you pay the normal rate of $9.95/month.
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